CC05 | Montemor-o-Novo


Client: Private Client

Area: 229.30m2

Team: to be defined

Construction: to be defined

Contractualization: 2023


The project in Montemor-o-Novo consists of a multi-family house that will be transformed into three independent apartments, all sharing a central courtyard.
Located in the historic part of the city, the house is designed to accommodate three families, both in the short and long term.
The location, on a narrow street with little light, influenced the decision to orient the dwellings inwards, guaranteeing privacy and better use of natural light.

The central courtyard, a fundamental element of the project, serves not only as a point of connection between the three apartments, but also as the hub of communal living.
Each of the dwellings has direct access to the courtyard, reinforcing the sense of community among the residents, while preserving the individuality of each dwelling unit.
This central courtyard concept, traditional in the region’s architecture, has been revitalized and adapted to the needs of urban regeneration and contemporary architecture.

With a total area of 229.30m², the project was developed around the courtyard, reflecting the intention to integrate Montemor-o-Novo’s historic identity with contemporary housing solutions.
Urban regeneration, central to the concept, values the courtyard as the heart of community life, while preserving the architectural features that define the historic area.

The courtyard, a central design element

Integration of the site’s historical identity

he courtyard, a central element in this multi-family housing project, is a direct reference to the architectural tradition of Montemor-o-Novo, where internal spaces often revolved around courtyards that served as hubs for living and circulation.
The reinterpretation of this classic element not only made it possible to maintain the site’s historical identity, but also to create a functional space that meets the contemporary needs of the three families who will inhabit the building.
The three independent accesses to the dwellings have been organized around this new empty space created on the plot, allowing natural light and air to enter each unit.
This centralized courtyard reinforces the connection between the past and the present, while offering a common area that promotes social interaction.
The adaptation of the courtyard as a structuring element of the design demonstrates a closeness to local history, while introducing rehabilitation solutions and contemporary architecture.

New spaces, new routines

Thinking about individualized housing

The three homes have been designed to optimize the use of natural light, a central and priority element in the design of each unit.
Two of the units have one bedroom, while the third offers two bedrooms, adapting to the different needs of the families who will live there.
In all the units, the central patio plays a crucial role, ensuring that natural light permeates the main spaces, creating more pleasant and salubrious environments.
In spaces where natural light does not reach directly, such as internal areas without windows, skylights have been implemented, accompanied by structures that extend up to the roof.
These architectural solutions make it possible to bring natural light into areas that would otherwise be dark and less healthy, ensuring the quality of the internal environment in all the homes.
This natural lighting reflects the balance with the creation of habitable spaces.


Project Gallery

Unique Features

  • Central courtyard: The courtyard serves as the core of the project, providing access, ventilation and natural light for all the dwellings.


  • Division into three dwellings: The project transforms the single-family house into three independent apartments, two one-bedroom units and one two-bedroom unit.


  • Natural Light: Natural light is a central element in all the homes, with the central courtyard and skylights ensuring adequate lighting in all spaces.


  • Skylights and Light Structures: Implementation of skylights with structures that lead light up to the roof, illuminating internal areas without direct access to natural light.