PT16 | Porto


Client: Private

Area: 234 m2

Team: MGF – Engineering and Consultancy; S-AXIS Engineering

Construction: Porta 9A Lda.

Contracting: 2020

[Em construção]
under construction | PRIMAVERA 2021

The Casa do Viso is inserted in a very controlled and detailed subdivision. That would be reflected in a maintenance of the facades, allowing only a punctual and meticulous redesign of the exterior.

When in the first approach the needs of the family that would live in the house were understood, it became clear that the spatial organization needed to be changed.

Social spaces should provide for the enjoyment of green and outdoor areas in their fullness

Inner Boundary | Outer Boundary

Relating the collective areas to the outside

It is understood that mostly social/collective areas should be returned to the green space, opening up the space for the patio. The room should take advantage of the lawn, and offer the youngest members of the family the chance to extend their field of interaction into nature.

The interior/exterior limit present in all of the studio’s architectural thinking is once again in this project rethought and worked down to the last detail.

Virtual RealityUnder Construction

the importance of vertical accesses

The design of the suspended stairs and their permeability in space

In a dwelling of controlled dimensions, it was necessary to design an access that would not block visual permeability. So on the entrance floor there is always a transparency between spaces. At the entrance there is a direct relationship with the living room and garden; in the kitchen with the living room; and in the garden with the living room and office.

The intention of visual permeability is clear, in an attempt to counteract the small size of the space.

The interspatial relationship was present throughout the project, and was a determining factor in the final design of the house.

Project Gallery

unique characteristics

Viso Housing was meticulously thought out and developed from the first phase in partnership with the engineering team. This allowed us to preview and provide more open spaces, hiding the structure.

  • A structural solution in concrete

  • Lightened slab

  • Pillars embedded in exterior walls

  • Metal Suspended Steps

  • Creating a basement