RC98 | Lavra


Client: Private Client

Area: 214.00m2

Team: to be defined

Construction: to be defined

Contractualization: 2024

[Em projecto de Execução]

The single-family house in Lavra was developed for a young couple, after an extensive search for a house that would meet their needs and aspirations.
Faced with a lack of suitable solutions on the market, they decided to invest in a designed house.
Set on a narrow plot, the single-family house in Lavra respects the twinning requirement with the adjacent house.
The constraints of the plot presented challenges, and the project was designed to maximize the use of the available space, without compromising the functionality of the spaces.
The house is organized into two distinct sections: the first floor, dedicated to social areas, and the upper floor – private areas.

Every place, a place

Implementation of the house on the plot

The layout of the single-family house in Lavra was designed to respect the specific features of the plot.
The house develops along the length of the plot, following the shape of the lot and allowing for a clear distribution of spaces.
The orientation of the house in relation to the garden and swimming pool has been defined to make the most of its future inhabitants.
The openings to the outside integrate the internal areas and the outdoor space, allowing a direct connection between the social areas and the garden, and optimize the use of the land.

Project Gallery

Unique Features

  • Longitudinal Development: The villa extends along the length of the plot, making better use of the narrow land.
  • Twinning with the neighboring house: Project adapted to comply with the twinning obligation, while respecting the limitations of the plot.
  • Integration with the outside: Direct connection between the internal social areas and the garden and swimming pool
  • Organized by floor: Clear distribution between social areas on the first floor and private areas on the upper floor.